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Kaohsiung Normal University specially integrates the "Democracy and Rule of Law" course. Chen Zhushang, director of the General Education Center, led students from the Department of Education and the Aboriginal Art Industry Special Class to join the school and work with the school to jointly organize the screening of "The Blind Lawyer" on December 25, 2020. video event

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2024-01-16
  • View count:126

The 2020 year has entered December. In the end-of-year gratitude and blessings, National Kaohsiung Normal University (hereinafter referred to as National Kaohsiung Normal University) specially integrated the "Democracy and Rule of Law" course. Chen Zhushang, director of the General Education Center, led the Department of Education, Aboriginal Art Students from the industrial special class entered the school and joined hands with the school to hold a screening of the film "The Blind Lawyer" at 9:20 a.m. on December 25, 2020, to enjoy this national film feast.

"The Blind Lawyer" is adapted from a true story. The film describes Taiwan's first blind lawyer Li Binghong (pseudonym Li Zhenghong in the film), and a team of lawyers from the Legal Aid Foundation in the compensation case for the largest industrial tragedy in Taiwan's history. , a touching story of helping members of the self-help society fight against the American company RCA (Radio Corporation of America) and Taiwan's top three law firms - Lee & Li Law Firm.

108 minutes passed in the auditorium in the blink of an eye. The event invited director Hong Chengchang to come in person to have in-depth and exciting discussions with the audience. After the film, whether it was the host students of our school, the Education Department of Normal University, or the Aboriginal Art Industry Class The students who watched the film together enthusiastically asked and shared questions with Director Hong Chengchang, and the scene was quite lively.

In order to thank Director Hong Chengchang and Normal University for their enthusiastic participation in the school to co-organize the event, President Tu Zhihong of our school specially presented a certificate of thanks at the end of the event to express that he is a model of social responsibility.

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