Principal's Profile
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- Last updated:2020-12-01
- View count:1258
Profile of the principal of Ming Yang High School
Principal: Mr. Tu Chih Hung
Educational background: B.S. Marine Biology of National Sun Yat-sen University
B.S. in Aquaculture from National Taiwan Ocean University in 1984
Discharged from 906 Warship of the Navy in 1986
Worked for Frippak CO Ltd in 1986
Taught at the Department of Aquaculture, National Tainan Senior Marine Fishery Vocational School in 1987
Served as the biology teacher and the Section Chief of Discipline of the Student Affairs Section in Wandan Junior High School in 1995
Taught in the Institute of Marine Biology, National Sun Yat-sen University from 1999 to 2002
Took a master's degree in 2002 and hired as the reserve director of a junior high school in September of the same year
Transferred to Ming Cheng Junior High School in 2003 as the full-time natural science teacher and the Director of Student Affairs
Being qualified for the reserve principal in 2008
Appointed as the principal of Tung Shin Junior High School in 2008
Founded the Pingtung Family Association in 2010
Appointed as the principal of Chungcheng Junior High School, Pingtung County in 2015
Appointed as the principal of Ming Yang High School in 2018
Former position:
(1) Chairman, Blue Donggang Creek Conservation Association of Taiwan
(2) Deputy Chairman, Pingtung County Teachers’ Union
(3) Member, Pingtung County Election Commission
(4) Member, Pingtung County Arts and Culture Advisory Committee
(5) Lecturer, Marine Ecology Program of Pingtung Community College
(6) President, Parents’ Association of Chu Tien Elementary School, Pingtung County