2019 Anti-Drug Emotional Care and Self-Care In-Class Publicity Program
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- Last updated:2020-02-07
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2019 Anti-Drug Emotional Care and Self-Care In-Class Publicity Program
The Counseling Section of Ming Yang High School held the group counseling course in 2019 for seven aspects of intervention toward drug criminals from September 20 to December 18. 2019. Huang Hsiu Wen, a psychologist, was invited as the lecturer of the Anti-Drug Emotional Care and Self-Care In-Class Publicity Program, which was held twice for each class. A total of 294 inmates took part in the program. We hope to teach inmates through this program the connection between drug and emotions, the good and characteristics of addictive substances and the cycle of addiction. The inmates will further acquire the self-care ability by learning to recognize emotions, accommodating emotions and stopping imagining. Therefore, this program can help prevent abuse of addictive substance after the inmates leave the school.