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Accessible Love - Contact for Social Resource

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2020-02-15
  • View count:1146

3.8 Accessible Love - Contact for Social Resource


Social administrative resource contact

  1. Social assistance
  2. Ministry of Health and Welfare
  3. Social Affairs Bureau of the Kaohsiung City Government
  4. Red Heart Association
  5. Libertas
  6. After-Care Protection
  7. Taiwan After-Care Association
  8. Taiwan After-Care Association Kaohsiung Branch
  9. Taiwan After-Care Association Chiaotou Branch

III. Drug control

  1. Drug Abuse Prevention Center
  2. Department of Substance Abuse Control and Prevention, Kaohsiung City Government
  3. Domestic violence and sexual assault prevention
  4. Ministry of Health and Welfare
  5. Department of Protective Service, Ministry of Health and Welfare - “113 Hotline” 24-hour online consulting service
  6. Department of Protective Service, Ministry of Health and Welfare - Child and youth sexual exploitation prevention
  7. Department of Mental & Oral Health, Ministry of Health and Welfare - “Male-care Hotline” 0800-013-999 (toll-free)
  8. Social Security Network, Ministry of Health and Welfare - e-Care
  9. Center for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention, Social Affairs Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government
  10. Kaohsiung City Police Department Women and Children Protection Brigade
  11. Taiwan Transactional Analysis Association


  • Labor administrative resource contact

Employment service

  1. Kaohsiung - Pingtung - Penghu - Taitung Regional Branch, Workforce Development Agency, Ministry of Labor
  2. Vocational Training and Employment Center, Labor Affairs Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government
  3. Taiwan After-Care Association
  4. Flying Life Association of Christ
  5. Taiwan Jobs


  • Health administrative resource contact
  1. Medical resource
  2. Ministry of Health and Welfare
  3. Social and Family Affairs Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare
  4. Central Health Insurance Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare
  5. Drunk driving control
  6. Taiwan Against Drunk Driving
  7. Alcoholics Anonymous Taiwan

III. Suicide Prevention

  1. Department of Mental and Oral Health, Ministry of Health and Welfare - Comfort Hotline (1925, homonym of “still love me” in Chinese), free counseling service
  2. Taiwanese Society of Suicidology - Taiwan Suicide Prevention Center
  3. AIDS prevention
  4. Division for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health, Kaohsiung City Government
  5. Persons with HIV/AIDS Rights Advocacy Association of Taiwan
  6. Taiwan Tongzhi (LGBTQ) Hotline Association
  7. Taiwan Lourdes Association
  8. Taiwan Red Ribbon Foundation
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