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(Department of Academic Affairs) National Taiwan Normal University held a course lecture on the "5th member growth activity of the 111 academic year human rights education issue counseling group - anti-bullying and minority law issues"

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2023-06-01
  • View count:172

On May 5, 2023, the National Taiwan Normal University held the "5th member growth activity of the 111 academic year human rights education counseling group" in the conference room of the school, and invited the president of the school to be the anti-bullying and minor event Lectures on legal issues. This event was entrusted by National Taiwan Normal University, National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Civic Education and Activity Leadership, Associate Professor Lin Jiafan, commissioned by the National and Preschool Education Department of the Ministry of Education. A total of 27 principals and team members were convened by education-related course supervisors and human rights education counseling groups of counties and cities in each district to participate.

In this event, Principal Tu of our school gave a lecture, and he talked about the issues of anti-bullying and minor incident law. Based on Principal Tu's working experience in juvenile correctional schools, he shared the legal provisions on the prevention of bullying and the juvenile incident handling law. In particular, juvenile criminal cases in our school are completely different from reformatory education, and there are considerable differences in management and systems from adult prisons. Therefore, it is necessary to break through the old thinking and stereotypes in order to create a learning field that is beneficial to juveniles. Improve the right of teenagers to receive education.

After the lecture, the participants actively asked questions about the management of teenagers, and the participating secretaries and department heads answered one by one, and the morning activities ended. At 13:10 in the afternoon, accompanied by the vice president, secretary and directors of various departments, they visited the campus environment and various facilities, and returned to the conference room at 14:00 to host a discussion with President Tu and Associate Professor Lin Jiafan. In addition to speaking enthusiastically, the participants of this course gave good comments and were deeply impressed by the learning environment and curriculum arrangements provided by the school. The lecture ended successfully with warm applause from the participants. (Office of Academic Affairs)

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