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Introduction of the operations of the Academic Affairs Division

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2020-02-07
  • View count:592

Introduction of the operations of the Academic Affairs Division


Description for the operations of the Academic Affairs Division


  1. Formulated items of the education implementation plan:

    We designated the curriculum for each semester based on the guidelines of the nine-year curriculum integration program and comprehensive high school curriculum standards. Our teachers designed flexible winter and summer vacation courses to adjust the learning pace.


  1. Tasks for registration, class grouping, grade grouping and curriculum construction:

    The declaration of academic status is subject to the Regulations Governing Status of Students at Juvenile Correction Schools. Prison term, interest, academic status, career planning and number of students are put into consideration for class grouping. High school classes are grouped based on the number of students taking technical license classes or short-term technical courses. All classmates can find their way to learn, build a good learning attitude and acquire working skills.


III. Complex education enlightenment and integrated instruction:

   We implement teaching normalization and ensure that students can acquire balanced knowledge in general courses, art courses and skill training. Students can develop their interests, expertise and basic competence. We focus on the coordination among all subjects and integrated instruction. We perform integrated instruction among all subjects through start-up food business proposal contest, songwriting, poem recitation and art and culture tour.


  1. Planning and implementation tasks of skill training and certification for students:

   We arranged internship for courses of all skill exams and implemented skill training and certification to make sure that students will be proficient in a skill. A.: We set up venues for Class C vocational training, including five major careers, which are Chinese food culinary skill, baking, automobile repair, motorcycle repair and catering service. Based on the vocational education program, every year we arranged exams for Class C Technician Certificate in Chinese food culinary skill, baking, catering service, automobile repair and motorcycle repair. B. We cooperated with the society and industry to hold snack food classes to help students learn more skills and ensure that what students learn can be put into practice.


  1. Assessment items for student schoolwork:

    We carried out the assessment for the learning score of progressive treatment. The teachers for each subject graded scores at the beginning of the month and the Curriculum Section summarized these scores. We aim to enhance the learning attitude and achieve the learning goal. We arranged three sectional exams each semester. Teachers and students can control the learning pace and complete the assessment of learning outcome at the right moment. We introduced social resources to provide schoolwork guidance and remedial instructions. We encouraged students take part in all kinds of exams, including junior high school competence certification exam, the basic competence test for junior high school students, the college entrance exam and the joint college entrance exam for four-year college and two-year junior college technical program. We helped student score high on these exams.


  1. Book management and the examination on book borrowing

    We established the automatic book borrowing and return operations before June 2002. We have over 17,000 books, 25 magazines and 2,045 multimedia disks for now. About 1,500 books are circulated each month, showing that the library has been fully utilized. Some books were bought by the school, and many of them were donated by social groups and our staff and students.


VII. Design and printing tasks for school journal


VIII. Counseling tasks performed to adapt to the Counseling Section:

   The Counseling Section made case analysis reports after students were enrolled and put them in classes appropriately. The skill training is associated with the future career of a student after he/she leaves the school. The Academic Affairs Division provides the Counseling Section with the license acquired by the student and the Counseling Section will trace the student and offer counseling.


  1. Other issues on academic affairs:

    We organized seminars for new teachers and on-job-training seminars. We guide students to join the art and culture contests and all kinds of out-of-school contests held by the Ministry of Justice. We integrated different subjects into all kinds of contests to set up interesting courses.

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